Saturday 11 July 2020

20. Great service is the best referral

Sunday 12 Jul 2020

Yesterday, my Audi A3 car had a rolling sound when I drove it out for a dinner appointment. The right back tyre was flat. The next morning, being a Sunday, I phoned Audi's 24Hr Assist for more than 5 times over an hour. No reply and no message. That was not good for Audi to list such a service and waste the customer's time.

The sales lady who sold the car had given me this contact, but the contractor could not be bothered even to have a voice message or to answer phone calls. A few of the petrol station's tyre shops were closed too!

Internet search. I found Auto Rescue Kakis-  tel 8117 7505 and got my tyre repaired within the hour for $80. We had a chat about his tattoos and his mask.  He took the trouble to show me where he bought his cyclist masks! I would refer him to others.

Great service is the best referral.